We're Kolt & Tierney Perkins.

We're Kolt & Tierney Perkins
Our horse program started with Kolt’s parents in 1970. Kolt has ardently fashioned his life to enrich and refine what his esteemed Dad and Momma started. Today, our remuda is a menagerie of equine athleticism, cattle-savvy prospects with refined conformation, trainability and long legacies. What began as a foundation of big, raw boned cow horses, Kolt evolved into a hybrid of equine athletes that exude cow sense, can work all day on the ranch and have enough motor to dominate in timed events. Our brood mares range from the foundation lines of Gallo Del Cielo (“Rooster”), Tanqueray Gin and Hancock to the renowned Shining Spark and Metallic Cat. Kolt will cross these lines with stallions that go back to Mecom Blue, Smart Little Lena, Dual Pep, Highbrow CD and Freckles Playboy.
Our beef cattle are predominantly heritage-influenced to produce proven, quality beef. They thrive on our mineral-rich, East Texas Blackland where their quality of life is our top priority. Our local butcher is just down the road. This minimizes stress on the cattle, reduces our carbon footprint and supports neighboring small businesses. Our beef is aged for a minimum of 28 days for steakhouse flavor and texture – then appraised and hand cut to ideal specifications by our beef connoisseur. We hope you see and taste the difference.
We decided to start selling Ranch2Table for many reasons. As parents, we’ve seen the difference a clean diet makes for our son. We’re proud to be a part of turning back the clock to simpler times, where food comes straight from the source.